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Hybrid Events

The Future of Events: The Benefits of the Hybrid Platform

The Business Meetings industry suffered an understandably heavy blow in the wake of Covid-19. With postponements becoming a new normal, planning around the unpredictability of trends in infection rates and border closures tested business models and industry structures that had hitherto gone unchallenged.

As a result, it has become incumbent on associations to provide potential partners and clients with the necessary information and infrastructure to ensure their peace of mind whether or not they wish to hold an event there in person or virtually. With this in mind, Fukuoka decided to join the Hybrid City Alliance, or HCA, to do just that.

What is “Hybrid”?

Essentially, a hybrid event is one in which some members attend in-person while some do so virtually. This mixed participation is where the term “Hybrid” stems from. Within the hybrid rubric, there are further subdivisions and types, each one catering to various needs. For example, a multi-hub event is one that has participants attend in person, but at several different locations simultaneously. Some of these events can be as simple as rudimentary meetings using online conference technology to complex presentations only possible in a hybrid framework.

What is the HCA?

The Hybrid City Alliance is a partnership of 24 like-minded cities from 16 countries around the globe. Our objective is simply to provide solutions in these times of uncertainty by offering international event organizers newer, more effective, and more streamlined ways of carrying out events at participating associations. By submitting an RFP to us (or any other HCA member) we will coordinate with the other destinations featured on your list to help draft an overall event proposal where you can now hold your event in-person, but in different places throughout the world.

As the only Hybrid City Alliance member in all of Japan, we take pride in our ability to offer events tailored to meet your needs, no matter the circumstances.

For more information, please consult the following page:
